HOAs must put document revisions before homeowners for a vote


I must live in the very friendly community of Stepford:  Well, pretty close, it's Mount Vista.  

Our Homeowners Association (HOA) Board of Dictators, I mean directors, have determined that they have a responsibility (some would call it a right) to make covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) as understandable as possible by adding clarifying language and supplementary materials.

When drafting or revising documents according to a membership organization for HOA boards, by law, an HOA must put CC&R revisions being considered before the homeowners for a vote. Our Mount Vista HOA Board of Directors is a friendly group looking out for us simple folk. I’m encouraged to get a copy of their “Blue Book." The board published recommended changes as gospel in this "Blue Book."

I received my CC&Rs from my realtor and the title company, so why didn't I get one of these "Blue Books?’’ Because the information inside this "Blue Book" differs from the CC&Rs and it has never been voted upon (yet approved) by the homeowners.

Remember, our Mount Vista HOA Board of Directors is a friendly group looking out for us simple folk. So friendly that they hired a management firm to drive around our neighborhood and fine us for violations of the "Blue Book" rules.  

I now see why there are so many rental houses in the neighborhood. It's a great place to rent out a house where my HOA dues will help manage your rental for you by rules made up without a vote.

Vote for homeownership.  Vote for a new board.

Russ McGraw
