Growth comes by listening to one another


As America grows to become more and more divided, people are less tolerant of one another and more explosive in arguments. A line is drawn in the sand between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, them and us. While it may be the easy way out to blame the opposite side, it does nothing in the way of progression. We cannot expect to make differences in our country without mastering the art of compromise. With that in mind, I urge you to open your mind the next time you are faced with someone who you differ with politically. Because at the end of the day, when people have opinions about the way things ought to be — whether it be education, abortion or taxes — they have those opinions because they believe that is what is best for everyone. No matter how different your opinion is from another, you both have good intentions at heart. 

I have seen many letters to the editor in The Reflector that simply aim to trash the other side of the argument. While I will never say that I don’t get angry when others disagree with me on a political topic, I do try to give them the benefit of the doubt and understand where they are coming from with their opinion. Politics can be an ugly thing when the conversation shifts from being a conversation to being a screaming match. For example, look at the state of our Congress currently. With two sides taking opposing stances, little can be done without compromise. 

Beyond the range of progressing politically, we must progress as a people to understand one another and not simply shake our heads and ignore those with differing opinions. America is a country of diversity whether you want to admit it or not. There are differences in race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and political ideologies. People grow by listening to one another and expanding their point of view. I urge you not let your biases blind you from seeing the progress that could be made both personally and politically.