Commissioner Stuart must do a better job fulfilling requirements of his elected position


Believing in government of the people, by the people, and for the people and that transparency and open government are essential to our freedoms, I must speak up. What I, my husband and friend have seen and heard at the Wednesday County Commissioners’ board meetings these last few months needs to be brought out into the open for all to see and understand.

The voters here in Clark County have elected two conservative Republicans to represent them in their county government. After many years under Democratic leadership, we now have what we have probably never had in Clark County history, a real conservative majority on our county board. However, the obfuscation and obstruction constantly in evidence would seem to reject this vote of the people. How so?

Attending these meetings and observing the disdain coming from the minority, progressive, establishment person is disheartening and grievous. The usual reaction from the socialist/libertarian, Steve Stuart, is contrariness. He continually uses verbal intimidation and shows disrespect for the person and position of Commissioner David Madore. Madore’s perseverance under those verbal assaults, without retaliating, is an example of grace under pressure.

Do not take my word for this. Listen to the entire recordings of these meetings available at this website, and judge for yourself. A review of the Rules of Conduct at,, gives me much concern that several points of order have most definitely been contravened by the chair in his leadership role.

Commissioner Stuart has not followed these guidelines in attitude or respect for the person or position of Commissioner Madore on many occasions, even to seemingly undermining decisions made by this board. It is my opinion, that the morale of the staff and employees of the county, caught in the middle of this battle, has been negatively affected.

Should Commissioner Stuart continue in the position of chair, he must do a much better job of fulfilling the requirements of the position and bringing this board into a semblance of working together for the benefit of all in this county. He must accept the fact that he is no longer “in charge.” Can he?

There will be no peace, no unity of commitment and direction with the current structure of this board with its conflicts and division unless some drastic changes in attitude and behavior become the normal operating procedure. Hopefully, we will be able to observe this change and correction in the future.

Pauline Warren
