Abortion: a stain on America


I was initially an independent voter, choosing the person I believed would do the best job in a particular position. When Roe v. Wade made abortion legal, I realized that the Democrats were pushing abortion. If there was political opposition, it came from the Republicans. Abortion was never about the health of the mother as there were many ways to safely deal with complicated pregnancies. Abortion was about birth control. When having a baby was an inconvenience for the mother, abortion was seen as a way to solve the “problem.” As proponents of abortion admit today, actually delivering the baby is the safest and healthiest way for the average mother. Yes, she is the mother even if she chooses to kill the baby. Christians need to squarely face the evil behind murdering children. It compares with pagans throwing their babies to the fires of the biblical “god” Molech. I believe this is the most egregious sin this nation has ever legalized.