Light and love matter


Today’s leading theories for what everything is made of in known matter, says everything in the universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings below the subatomic particle level, so tiny we will probably never be able to see them. M-theory allows for multiple universes/multiple dimensions right here where we are which we cannot see, feel, or touch that could be full of life and other beings literally moving through this plain of existence without us perceiving them physically. The bible tells us God is spirit and He created all this, He is beyond the veil, in the highest heaven, and he is in all things. In him we live, breathe and have our being. And God spoke everything into existence. Speaking is vibration — string theory is vibration. other leading theories today are called dark matter and dark energy. They say that normal matter accounts for less than 5 percent of the universe. 25 percent of the universe is dark matter and 70 percent is dark energy,  both of which we cannot see, feel, or touch and its acting upon the known universe ( the 5 percent we perceive scientifically) to keep everything in the orderly manner we observe and was the working force in the creation of galaxies. Without dark matter and dark energy everything in the universe would be chaos, random. The Bible tells us God is omnipresent (present everywhere at once), and omnipotent (has unlimited power). The scientists who came up with these theories say they don’t know what dark matter and dark energy are and we cannot see the strings in string theory nor what the driving force of M-theory is. It allows for many possibilities as to what they are. Open minded people would honestly say: “yes, it could very well be as the Christians say. An omnipresent, omnipotent God is keeping this universe in order just as the Lord Jesus Christ says He does in the Bible.” Many people today believe ancient aliens visited the earth in ancient times ignoring what the first hand account of most of the very ancient civilizations say; good and evil spirits exist even as many people believe they exist today. The Bible says wise men seek Jesus Christ. All of our eternal destinies are at stake, God has a gloriously perfect home in heaven awaiting all who accept him as their savior, love him and follow his teachings. The appropriate title then for both String Theory and Dark Matter is, I believe, light and love matter, for God is the light of the world, and God is love. He has given us the right path to eternal salvation. Jesus Christ stepped down from heaven to save the world.