Ridgefield bond essential to our children and growing community


As citizens, we bear a responsibility to provide education of future generations — if we believe in public school we need to invest in those schools. I will gladly pay my fair share for our community.

Everyone can find fault in any plan. The Ridgefield School Board’s decision-making process continues to be thorough and deliberate with many opportunities for community input. The bond is transparent, reasonable, and addresses significant challenges as Ridgefield rapidly grows (65 percent population increase between 2010 and 2017). Our kids deserve that you take the time to get accurate information before deciding.

Some use the economy to justify their opposition despite Ridgefield currently having one of the lowest tax rates of any district in Clark County. The growth is happening regardless and voting “yes” for only nine cents per $1,000 of assessed value over the current rate will ease classroom overcrowding. A no vote will require the district to use impact fees to buy portables which are expensive, pose safety and security risks and are not built to last. Future costs will only increase.

The 2019 bond would reduce overcrowding by building a new K-4 elementary, renovate the RHS vocational education building (built 50 years ago and not modernized), expand RHS, add covered play to all elementary schools, install new HVAC systems at the elementary schools, and enhance safety and security at all district facilities.

Whether or not you have children, there is a simple moral argument. We “adults” have taken a lot from the next generation. Kids need strong programs and class space. It’s up to us to provide so they can positively influence all our futures.