Upcoming Presidential election most important election--period


This is in response to a recent letter to the editor, with which I disagree and with which a number of sources disagree.

Concerning complaints about large numbers of illegal aliens in the United States under the Obama administration; President Obama’s administration has seen more deportations of illegal immigrants than any recent administration. With regard to the “dreamers,” most, if not all, were brought to this country by the action of others. They have served in our armed forces and have been productive citizens. They should not now be thrown out of the only country they have ever known.

I’ve also read the complaints of a $16 trillion debt, supposedly attributed to the Obama administration. A large portion of that debt was generated by G. W. Bush. As well, the previous administration left two unfunded wars and debt producing programs that the Obama administration had to incorporate. There can be no honest denial that there has been deficit spending in the last three plus years. It is also undeniable that were Romney and Ryan elected, there would continue to be deficit spending in large amounts and one could not expect a balanced budget prior to the expiration of 26 years. It is fact, G. W. Bush’s administration doubled the debt to in excess of $10 trillion in eight years. Ronny Reagan and the first George Bush quadrupled the national debt in 12 years. Clinton ran a surplus for nearly four years. Obama has increased the national debt by less than the prior president in trying to dig this country out of the mess made by the previous Republican administrations.

There are those individuals that still argue Obama is not American-born, which is an absurd and already rebutted position. The provided birth certificate demonstrates Obama was born in Hawaii. Even John McCain agreed with this during the 2008 campaign. We will all suffer if Obama is not reelected, including individuals who oppose Obama’s reelection. Romney and Ryan have no real plan, they will not balance the budget for decades, they will destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs that benefit a multitude of the public. Romney and Ryan both support tax reductions of millionaires and billionaires at the cost to middle class taxpayers who will pay up to an additional $2,000-$3,000 in taxes each year (Romney has now identified middle class as those earning between $200K and $250K).

Those opposing Obama should read the facts and quit listening to the variety shows by Limbaugh, Hannity and others. As well, if those that oppose Obama are so opposed to liberal/social programs, I’m sure they will denounce and publicly swear to never take a dollar of Social Security monies nor ever submit or have submitted in their behalf, a claim to Medicare.

I want to see this country grow, improve and offer all citizens a life and living they deserve. I believe Romney and Ryan, along with the “tea partiers” will put this country back on a war footing and on the fast track to bankruptcy.

J. D Fitzgerald

Battle Ground