Letter writer misses the point of Trump’s wall


The recent letter The Reflector printed by Mr. Richard Spence (March 25) deserves a rebuttal.

He claims walls do not work, but the walls he mentions are military walls which are quite different from the one Trump is proposing. This is not a war situation, but it is a bonafide emergency and deserves a strong response.

No one is claiming that the proposed wall will be perfect as there are plenty of ways to get around it. More than anything, it sends a message to potential crossers that they are not wanted. 

It might also cut down on the recent problem of dumping thousands of unaccompanied children into this country that the taxpayers now are responsible for.

Mr. Spence seems to miss the whole point of spending $5 billion, saying that we could use the money to help shelter people when the idea is to keep them out in the first place.

At no time does Mr. Spence suggest a better way to stop illegal border crossing, which makes me assume that he favors open borders and wants to let millions more in.