Letter to the editor: Another executive order


It doesn’t seem that long ago when the press and Democratic party decried the use of executive orders. Fast forward a few months seems all is well as Biden adds another to the already long list of EOs signed during his short time in office. Most recent and disturbing is the executive order to establish a presidential commission to study changes to the Supreme Court. This is a monumental waste of time, energy and resources at a time when we are in a short supply of all. Some curious minds might ask is: In light of ALL the unprecedented issues and crises pressing down on people and nation, why this EO? Why now? To what end? The obvious answer is, this is a blatant partisan political power grab. It is straight out of a political playbook of a prominent Democrat who said, “One should never let a crisis go to waste.” Meaning there are things a person with power can do in times of a crisis that they could not do otherwise. Seems this is good advice when you have a press and party who will give you all the political cover needed to do so. Yet, not so good for a country who is reeling from the controls and mandates of those in power making decisions on our behalf.