Parents, it’s time to speak up


Thank you for publishing the Capitol Bulletins page in The Reflector. I appreciate having even a small glimpse of what is going on in our legislature. 

I totally agree with the comment made by Vicki Kraft: “Let’s just be real about this curriculum. It’s teaching young children how to have sex.” 

It is time for parents to take back their children. Too many decisions are being made by the government and people who don’t care about our kids. Parents, say something. Stand up for your children. The social experiments have failed. Give your kids something better.

Give your children the gift of a happy life. Intentionally teach them some standards to live by. Don’t just let unknown people make those decisions for them.

Again, I thank you for giving us a chance to see what is happening in our state. I’m glad to know there is someone watching out for us and our families.