Letter to the Editor: Your vote for Gary Medvigy is most important


For those living in North and East Clark County, I suggest you please vote for Gary Medvigy for Clark County Councilor, District 4. 

Gary Medvigy is the incumbent who truly represents the residents of North and East Clark County. He has taken time to personally meet with me several times to listen to issues affecting North and East Clark County. 

After I wrote to him, his reply was signed “Gary Medvigy, at your service.” His reply shows his dedication to us residents of Clark County and is a further example of his desire to actually listen to the voters of North and East Clark County.  

Gary Medvigy has served our country as a U.S. Army general and as a Superior Court judge. I have seen and heard him speak with eloquent knowledge on many issues, especially those issues which affect the children and youth of Clark County. 

Gary Medvigy has shown his respect for our values, especially when he spoke against the unbelievable but actual abhorrent intention of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library to bring “drag queens” from San Francisco to perform an adult program before “babies, toddlers and kids” on Sunday, Oct. 27, at the downtown Vancouver Fort Vancouver Regional Library. Your vote for Gary Medvigy shall allow a voice in Clark County government to defend our values. Gary Medvigy will properly serve the residents of North and East Clark County.