Debate rages on in Mt. Vista Homeowners Association



A total of 430 homeowners comprise the Mt. Vista Homeowners Association (HOA). We are situated right next door to the WSU campus. It is a beautiful neighborhood and many are beyond determined to keep it that way.


In Mt. Vista, it has been eight years of questionable control and financial issues with the former Board of Directors. There are about 80 households, which contend that the HOA provides increased property values due to HOA rule enforcement and the asset of this useless building and pool.


As a fact; there has been no formal management company enforcing any rules in the HOA since at least November 2014. Therefore, one would contend that the HOA itself has become a liability for those same property owners. Years of inaction, nepotism, cronyism, misspent funds, erroneously operating under laws that do not apply, and secret efforts to partner with bad legislation in Olympia; have all come to light.


The opposition to the new board and their current action to remove the befouled pool, has sparked a raging debate of threats of recall and neighbor backstabbing neighbor in a campaign to stop the pool removal, slander the current president and to regain control of the board of directors.


For many years, owners truly believed that their Board of Directors was acting in their best interest. However, with the changeover to a newly elected (conservative) group of directors, the past minority is all fussed-up and out of control. The newly elected Board of Directors face ridiculous classroom antics at board meetings. They have pressed through on all legal fronts to finally take action to remove a fouled and useless eyesore – the pool.


You wouldn’t know any of this history by driving around the neighborhood. Like many of us who moved here, we didn’t learn of this twisted past when we bought our homes. For eight years they wanted the pool out. For eight years and beyond they have not been able to sway owners. Now, with a loss in elections, defeat of Senate Bill 5263, (which takes away homeowner rights) exposure of past bad practices, a disqualified attorney; they want the pool to stay? Why?


With this pool gone we can all plan ahead, and perhaps someday install a new pool, who knows? We must learn to trust but verify all that transpires. Gone are the back room secret coffee meetings and lies of omission. Press ahead new board.


Tim Jessen
