Enough of John Wayne wannabes and Rambo-minded presidents


I just read some of poor Jeb Bush’s attempts to denigrate Donald Trump. It reminded me of attacking a rampaging elephant with a flyswatter.  

Jeb’s momma Barbara said, before they put a muzzle on her, “We have had enough Bushes in the white house.” Actually Mrs. Bush, I think we have had one too many.  This opinion is held by a vast majority of Americans.  

I think that many of us redneck Republicans would vote for Vladimir Putin if he ran against Jeb Bush. Bush makes totally stupid statements, then he and all his spin doctors run backward through the wall to try to cover them up.  

This campaign is even crazier than the last one when everyone led the polls at one time or another.  The Republican Party is totally out of contact with reality and totally hooked to the Wall Street moguls.  

As wild and crazy as he is, Trump is doing a great service to the American people by showing the rest of the candidates for what they are, which is out of date, out of touch, dinosaurs.

I would love to see Jim Webb come in out of the wilderness so we could have a good look at a Marine combat officer from Vietnam who knows the horror of an unwinnable war.  We have had enough John Wayne-wannabe, Rambo-minded presidents who have never seen combat in an unwinnable war, actually, way too many.

Mel Cearley
