Herrera Beutler wrong to call impeachment inquiry ‘a farce’


In response to today’s article titled “Herrera Beutler: Impeachment inquiry ‘a farce.’”

I am offended by Jaime Herrera Beutler’s dismissive comment that the House Democratic leadership’s actions are “a farce” and are “limiting due process rights, fairness to all sides, and full access to information.” 

Our current POTUS has used his position in leadership to commit crime after crime and to put his own interests first. The POTUS and his family members have taken my taxes for granted and used them to expand their own pockets while we the people struggle to survive. There is enough testimony and proof to see this is not a “farce.” 

Her blatant rejection will not be forgotten. 

I’m tired of hoping Jaime Herrera Beutler will do the right thing and stand up for the rights of Washington residents. We are the ones she is working for, not the POTUS. She represents us, not the POTUS. 

Vote her out!

Amber Martinell

Battle Ground