City of BG encourages residents to use water conservation measures


The effects of this unusually hot weather have triggered a Stage I Water Shortage Alert in the City of Battle Ground.

City residents are encouraged to increase water conservation efforts to ensure that water reserves continue to meet personal consumption and emergency response needs. Conservation measures are the most cost-effective and environmentally sound way to reduce our demand and stretch our supplies.

Every drop counts; these simple measures can make a big difference:

• Water your lawn in the early morning or in the evening when evaporation is less likely to occur. A lot of water is lost to evaporation if you are watering at peak temperatures.

• Make sure your outdoor valves are not leaking – even small drips add up to a lot of water.  Sometimes a simple tightening can stop a drip at your outside nozzle.

• Adjust your sprinkler to make sure you are not watering the street, sidewalks or your driveway.

• Only run your washing machine and dish washer with a full load.  You’ll save water, energy and detergent costs.

More water conservation tips are available at