Letter to the Editor: America can’t allow authoritarian president



For those of us considered to be “Boomers,” the men and women who lost their lives or are one of the millions who were deployed in either the European or Pacific theaters, they were our fathers, our uncles and countless civilians at home, our mothers and aunts, all were unified in dismantling the fascist grip on global politics.

These people, our family members and neighbors are all but gone now. Their efforts and sacrifices of 80 years ago have faded into the shadows of history.

And today? Today the specter of authoritarianism is again slithering into global politics. Here at home, a former president and current presidential candidate has become the central figure in reanimating the noxious serpent of fascism, the very same demonic and malignant demon of 80 years ago.

We owe our past, our parents and grandparents, and the future, so much more than the impotent allegiance to a damaged and vainglorious human being.

Rich Raitano

La Center